Admissions Policies
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Admissions Policy 2025/26 Consultation
The Governing Body of Gosforth Central Middle School is consulting on changes to their admissions arrangements for the academic year 2025/26.
The only change to this policy from the 2024/25 version is that the Published Admission Number (PAN) for our Year 5 intake has been increased from 128 places to 150 places.
A copy of the draft policy can be found at the link below:
Admissions Policy 2025 to 2026 - For Consultation
This consultation process allows any concerns about the proposed changes to be raised.
Comments or queries should be addressed to
The Governing Body
Gosforth Gosforth Central Middle School
Great North Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
or emailed to:
Applying for a Place
You can read all the admissions guidance and apply for a transfer place for our school online at:
Newcastle Council: Apply for a School Place
Or alternatively, please click on the link below to download a paper application and return it to:
Admissions & Information, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8QH
In Year Application Form 2024-25: Moving Between Newcastle SchoolsIn Year Application Form 2024-25: Pupils Who Are New to Newcastle
All applications for school places MUST be made to Newcastle City Council in the first instance, not directly to the school. The admissions department will send the details of your application to our school once it has been processed.
If you have any questions about an application that you would like to make, please contact:
Admissions Team (Newcastle Council)
Tel: 0191 278 7878
If you have been refused a place at a school you have the right to appeal against the decision. You are not able to submit an appeal until you have been formally refused a place at a school, this means once you have received a letter or email telling you that you don’t have a place.
You can read information about the appeals process, including how to make an appeal, at the following link:
Newcastle Council: Appeals for School Places
Appeals timetable 2022/23
The appeals team at Newcastle Council do not routinely acknowledge receipt of appeal forms. If you would like to confirm that they have received your form, please contactL
Appeals Clerk (Newcastle Council)
Tel: 0191 277 7427
Timetable for reception or transfer places in middle, secondary and high schools
For reception or transfer appeals for places in September, you will have at least 20 school days to submit an appeal from the day you received notice that your application was unsuccessful.
The deadlines for submitting an appeal in order to ensure that it is heard before the end of the summer term are:
- Transfer place - 29 March 2023
- Reception place - 17 May 2023
Appeals submitted within the deadlines will be heard within 40 school days of these dates. You can submit an appeal after these dates but it may not be possible to hear your case until after the summer holiday. Then it will be considered after the panel has already heard any appeals which were submitted within deadline.
Where possible appeals arising from late applications will be heard within 40 school days of this deadline or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Appeals submitted after the deadline will be heard within 40 school days of receipt where possible.
In-year appeals
Appeals for in year admissions will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.