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Gosforth Central Middle School

Learning at GCMS

Our Curriculum Vision

Everything we do, we do with pupils at the heart. Each subject curriculum has been designed to ensure pupils grapple with difficult concepts, are required to think deeply and have to choose carefully from their learning toolkit when presented with problems. We believe in challenging pupils, we believe in our pupils’ abilities and potentials, but fundamentally, we believe the process of learning is as important as the outcome.  


Through their studies, pupils think critically and deeply about the world and their place in it through a curriculum that is exciting and stimulates a love of learning. They are challenged to be inquisitive, to drive their own learning and are supported to extend this beyond the classroom. Every child is provided with their own Chromebook, enabling them to take ownership of their learning. By opening doors to the wider world and subsequently welcoming limitless possibilities, our pupils are supported to become the best versions of themselves. 


At GCMS, we believe education is more than a grade, more than simply passing tests. We are committed to developing well-rounded individuals who are confident, who have integrity, and who are socially responsible. Our curricular equips pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitude they need to succeed in their educational journey beyond GCMS.  We provide a safe space for pupils to fail and to learn from that experience. They show tenacity and when they leave us in Year 8, they are equipped with the tools for lifelong success and are empowered to confidently embrace their future. 


Our Live Curriculum

Posted below are links to lists of what we teach on a fortnightly basis at GCMS. Each link will outline skills covered plus tips and links for parents/carers to help their children.

Year 5

Academic Year 2023/2024


Year 6


Academic Year 2023/2024


Year 7

Academic Year 2023/2024


Year 8


Academic Year 2023/2024



Clink on the pictures below and you'll find key information for each subject at GCMS, including the long term plans for each subject alongside optional homework tasks for pupils to complete. The optional homework tasks will be produced and uploaded on a half termly basis, should pupils wish to further their learning.

Pupils can show their subject teachers what they have produced and earn GRIT points for their efforts. The optional homework tasks will also be published on pupils' Google Classroom subject pages. 



Assessment Calendars

Please click on the applicable year group to view your child's upcoming assessment calendar:

Year 5 

Year 6 

Year 7 

Year 8 

At GCMS, subjects utilise different approaches to assessment. Some of these include practical assessments (e.g Art and PE), some are speaking assessments (e.g. Spanish and French), whereas others may be written assessments (e.g English and History). 

We are committed to ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to succeed in their assessments. As outlined in pupils' support plans, access arrangements will be provided where applicable. This may include adjustments such as additional time, use of their Chromebook, opportunities for breaks or alternative formats to help create a supportive assessment environment that meets the individual needs of our learners.

On occasion, assessments may take place at different times to those stated on the calendar. This may happen depending on various factors such as staff absence, trips and visits or the teacher's professional judgement to move assessments around in the curriculum depending on what is best for the pupils' learning. 



 If, after visiting the curriculum links above, you have further questions about the curriculum being taught at our school, please send an email addressed to Mrs C Walker (Assistant Headteacher - Teaching and Learning) to admin@gosforthcent.newcastle.sch.uk.