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Gosforth Central Middle School

Governing Body Diversity Information

The governors of Gosforth Central Middle School believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve.

Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

 The following data was updated 29.02.2024.




Number of board responses

Female 5
Male 4
Other gender identity 0
Chose not to say 5
Total 14


 Age Group


Age Group

Number of board responses

18 to 40 3
41 to 60 4
61 or over 2
Chose not to say 5
Total 14





Number of board responses

Disability requiring additional support and/or adjustments 0
Disability requiring no additional support and/or adjustments 0
No disabilities 9
Chose not to say 5
Total 14


Sexual Orientation


Sexual Orientation

Number of board responses

Bisexual 0
Gay or Lesbian 0
Straight / Heterosexual 8
Other sexual orientation 0
Chose not to say 6
Total 14


Ethnic Group


Ethnic Group

Number of board responses

Asian or Asian British
Bangladeshi 0
Chinese 0
Indian 3
Pakistani 0
Black, Black British, Caribbean or African
African background 0
Caribbean 0
Any other Black, Black British or Caribean Background 0
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
White and Asian 0
White and Black African 0
White and Black Caribean 0
Any other Mixed or Multiple background 0
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British 5
Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0
Irish 0
Roma 0

Any other White background

Other ethnic group
Arab 0
Any other ethnic group 0
Chose not to say 5
Total 14





Number of board responses

Buddhist 0
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations) 1
Hindu 2
Jewish 0
Muslim 0
Sikh 1
No religion 4
Any other religion 0
Chose not to say 6
Total 14


Proximity to the school


Proximity to the school

Number of board responses

Less than 1 mile (walking distance) 2
2 to 5 miles (up to 10 minute drive) 4
6 to 15 miles (up to 30 minute drive) 2
16 to 40 miles (up to 1 hour drive) 0
More than 40 miles 0
Chose not to say 6
Total 14


Experience of school as a parent / carer


Experience of school as a parent/carer

Number of board responses

I am a parent/carer of a child/children currently of school age 3
I am a parent/carer of a child/children who have completed their education 1
I am not a parent/carer 4
Chose not to say 6
Total 14


Type of school attended


Type of school attended

Number of board responses

State-run or state-funded school 5
Independent or fee-paying school 2
Attended school outside the UK 1
Other type of educational setting 1
Chose not to say 5
Total 14


Experience of the care system


Experience of the care system

Number of board responses

Looked after/in the care of the local authority during all or some of my period of school education 0
Not looked after/in the care of the local authority 9
Chose not to say 5
Total 14


Continued education after leaving school


Continued education after leaving school

Number of board responses

Further education (sixth form/college) 1
Higher education (university) 8
Apprenticeship route 0
Did not continue education 0
Chose not to say 5
Total 14


Eligibility for free school meals


Eligibility for free school meals

Number of board responses

Eligible 0
Not eligible 6
Don't know 2
Not applicable 1
Chose not to say 5
Total 14