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Gosforth Central Middle School

Governor Profiles

Current Governor Profiles

Jeremy Bell

Job title / organisation: Retired

Length of time as a governor: Since Oct 2008

Governor role: Foundation Trust Governor

Committee involvement: 

Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of Admissions Committee

Finance & Resources Committee

Pay Review Panel

Headteacher Appraisal Panel

Link Governor: Reading

Link Governor: Gosforth Schools' Trust

SIP Working Group: Reading

Background information: 

 A retired diplomat with almost two decades of involvement in the state education system.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

Drive where change is required. For my school, a continuation of our holistic approach to learning - to emphasise sports, music and drama, as well as pure education.

Main interests/hobbies:

 Travel, sport and international affairs.


Dave Bronsgeest

Job title / organisation: GP, Medical Director for Derwentside Primary Care Network

Length of time as a governor: Since May 2023

Governor role: Parent Governor

Committee involvement: 

Curriculum & Pupil Performance Committee 

Link Governor: SEND / Child in Care (CIC)

Background information: 

I am a senior partner in our GP surgery and Medical Director for Derwentside Primary Care Network. My oldest son is currently in Year 6 in GCMS, my youngest is joining GCMS next year.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

In my clinical work, I have a passion for a personalised hollistic patient centred approach. My experience in leading and managing our business as well as my experience in my role as Clinical Director can be useful in my contribution as parent governor. All my work requires adaptive, collaborative working and decision making in a NHS system that is under constant strain, not dissimilar to the working environment in an educational setting.

Main interests/hobbies:

As a family, we have a keen interest in sports in general (particularly competitive swimming, Formula 1 and running). We love to travel - making our holidays into little adventures by combining activities with experiencing local people and cultures. My personal passion lies in skiing, running and I have recently started Taekwondo.


David Brocklehurst

Job title / organisation: Director, Cussins

Length of time as a governor: Since Dec 2020.

Governor role: Parent Governor

Committee involvement: 

Finance & Resources Committee

Link Governor: Pupil Premium

SIP working group: Enterprise

Background information: 

I am a chartered town planner having studied at Newcastle University from 1995-2000. I am currently the planning Director for housebuilding company Cussins based in Alnwick.  I have a child in year 5 and second child joining next year.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

I am passionate about inclusion and every child having the same opportunities to make the best of themselves academically, physically and socially.  As a parent governor I hope to have some influence on the success of the school. 

Main interests/hobbies:

My hobbies and interested are centered around sports, whether that is watching or playing or encouraging others.  I also love music and travel and walking our springer spaniel.


Vic Bruce

Job title / organisation: Head Teacher, Chopwell Primary

Length of time as a governor: Since June 2022

Governor role: Co-opted

Committee involvement: 

Chair of Curriculum & Pupil Performance Committee

Link Governor: Formative Assessment

Background information: 

I've worked in Primary Education for 19 years (16 as a teacher) across 5 schools & 3 Local Authorities. I'm currently in my 6th Year of Headship and I'm acting Head at a second school. 

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

I'm looking forward to using my experience of the education sector to support GCMS in providing the best education possible for it's pupils.

Main interests/hobbies:

Golf - I started to play in my 30s and have never looked back- the most addictive sport possible.

Cooking - I love to cook for friends and family, trying something new and perfecting it always keeps me entertained.

Music- I began playing the piano again as an adult- I find practicing is one of the few times I can switch off from work and really relax.


Marianne Good-Bruce

Job title / organisation: Strategic Performance Analyst

Length of time as a governor: Since June 2024

Governor role: Co-opted Governor

Committee involvement: 

Curriculum & Pupil Performance Committee

Link Governor: Pupil Premium

Background information: 

Until very recently I was a member of staff at GCMS, serving in numerous roles over my 25 year career here. Last year I felt that it was time to pursue something entirely different and I secured an analysis role which had been an element of my most recent position.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

I hope that my understanding of GCMS' journey over the years and insight into the area it serves will support the school in building on what has gone before to provide the best education it possibly can for the pupils who attend.

Main interests/hobbies:

I sing with Northern Proud Voices, Newcastle's LGBT community choir. Our weekly rehearsals are one of the highlights of my week. I'm lucky enough to live very near the sea and most days will find me wandering on the beach with my retired greyhound. Board games are a very serious business in our family and we play as often as possible - I'm proud to report that I remain undefeated at Settlers of Catan!

Chris Haves

Job title / organisation: Data Manager, Smart Multi-Academy Trust

Length of time as a governor: Since June 2021

Governor role: Co-opted Governor

Committee involvement: 

Co-Chair of Curriculum & Pupil Performance Committee

Link Governor: Digital Technology

SIP working group - Remote learning

Background information: 

I am an experienced education data analyst who has worked in the education sector for 16 years. This includes working with both maintained and academy schools in roles that have included school performance analysis, population forecasting, data protections, IT and finance.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

I hope that my experience in working in the education field will allow me to understand and support the school in a diverse range of areas

Main interests/hobbies:

I enjoy cycling (as much as time allows!), gaming (including owning several vintage arcade machines), and spending time with my family (including touring in our VW camper van).


Rachel Hiscott

Job title / organisation: Governance and Assurance Lead, HMRC

Length of time as a governor: Since June 2022

Governor role: Co-opted Governor

Committee involvement: 

Finance & Resources Committee

Pay Review Panel

Link Governor: Estate Management

Background information: 

I have worked for HMRC for nearly 20 years in a range of roles. My main experience is within customer service, project delivery and communications. I have worked predominantly in Tax before moving to EU Exit following the referendum. My work since then has been focused on infrastructure and communications.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

My aim is to be able to offer insight into a wide range of issues. Whilst I do not have an education background. I have experience of a wide range of roles which I hope will allow me to offer support in various areas.

Main interests/hobbies:

Cricket - I have a 12 year old who has a passion for all things cricket so I spend my time taking and fetching him to training sessions and matches as well as watching England and Durham whenever possible.

Films - Specifically Star Wars and Marvel.

Reading - My degree is in English Studies and I'm always happy when reading a book.


Lucy Johnson

Job title / organisation: Skills Facilitator, North East LEP.

Length of time as a governor: Since Oct 2020.

Governor role: Co-opted Governor.

Committee involvement: 

Pay Review Panel

Headteacher Appraisal Panel

Link Governor: Careers & Enterprise

SIP working group - Enterprise

Background information: 

I currently live on a farm in the countryside of rural Northumberland where we have both cattle and sheep. Having worked in the education and enterprise sector for the past 8 years both here in the North East and North West I was keen to use my experience to support the staff and pupils at GCMS.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

Using my experience and knowledge of the North East, skills priorities in the region as well as the education sector, as a governor I hope to support decision making and help shape key issues and priorities within the school with a focus on careers and enterprise education.   

Main interests/hobbies:

My main interests and hobbies include singing, listening to country music and going on walks making the most of the beautiful coastline in Northumberland.


Lois Scott

Job title / organisation: Head of Region (North East), Axiom Maths

Length of time as a governor: Since Oct 2024

Governor role: Co-opted Governor

Committee involvement: 


Background information: 

I have been a secondary Mathematics teacher for 17 years and have held a variety of leadership positions within schools, most recently with responsibility for Timetabling and Data. This year I have moved on to take up the position as Head of Region - North East for Axiom Maths. I live locally and have two young children.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

My skills and experience of teaching maths in different settings across the country and my complete passion for enhancing the lives of all young people through quality education and opportunities.

Main interests/hobbies:

Reading, walking in the countryside and quality time with family and friends.


David Slipper

Job title / organisation: Head of PE, GCMS

Length of time as a governor: Since Sept 2016

Governor role: Co-opted Governor

Committee involvement: 

Admissions Committee

Finance & Resources Committee

Background information: 

I have been a member of staff at GCMS since 1986 and have held various positions of responsibility - presently, I am the Head of PE.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

I will represent the views of the staff on the governing body, and hopefully contribute from my 30 years of teaching experience.

Main interests/hobbies:

Sport in general, sports coaching, and socialising with friends and family.


Deeanne Smith

Job title / organisation: Headteacher, GCMS

Length of time as a governor: Since Oct 2016

Governor role: Associate

Committee involvement: 

Admissions Committee

Curriculum & Pupil Performance Committee

Finance & Resources Committee

Background information: 

I started at GCMS as Assistant Head in 2013 and became Deputy Head in 2016. I became Headteacher in April 2022, ably supported by the amazing GCMS team.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

Over 20 years experience in education, accountability, and understanding of working in high pressure environments from a previous career in neurosurgery nursing.

Main interests/hobbies:

Books are my passion, alongside long dog walks and dancing. Spending time with family and friends is a must and I endeavor to do so as often as possible.



Jayne Thorpe

Job title / organisation: Retired Teacher

Length of time as a governor: Since May 2014

Governor role: Co-opted Governor

Committee involvement: 

Chair of Governors

Admissions Committee

Chair of Curriculum & Pupil Performance Committee

Acting Chair of Finance & Resources Committee

Headteacher Appraisal Panel

Link Governor: Safeguarding

SIP working group: Reading

Background information: 

I have had 3 job titles - Nurse, Mother and Teacher. I nursed for 9 years, then had 6 children - all of whom attended Gosforth Central Middle School, and was a teacher at a Gosforth first school for 12 years. I have been retired from teaching for 2 years.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

The skills and experiences from teaching, my knowledge from 17 years involvement with GCMS both as a parent and governor, my understanding of the Gosforth community, a desire to ensure all children achieve their potential - not just academically - from their time at GCMS and to fulfil all governor requirements effectively.

Main interests/hobbies:

Walking, theatre and music, reading.


Joe Veitch

Job title / organisation: Head of Enterprise, GCMS

Length of time as a governor: Since Oct 2023

Governor role: Staff Governor

Committee involvement: 

Curriculum & Pupil Performance Committee

 Background information: 

I have worked at GCMS since my NQT year in 2019. The magnificent support offered to my by the staff at GCMS has allowed me to feel supported and challenged in my role.

What you hope to bring to the governor role:

I hope to effectively liase between staff and governers, accurately represent the views of staff and ultimately improve outcomes for pupils!

Main interests/hobbies:

I am a keen sportsperson (especially cricket and football). I love reading and studied English Literature for my undergraduate degree.