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Gosforth Central Middle School



The overall aim of the PSHE curriculum at GCMS is to encourage pupils to be upstanding citizens in the future and to provide them with the tools, knowledge and understanding they need to be active members of society. We aim to develop an understanding of real-life issues and encourage respect, appreciation and acceptance of others, regardless of difference.

The PSHE curriculum is designed using a cross key stage model created by the PSHE association with alterations to meet the needs of the pupils in our school. The curriculum is very flexible and units may be moved or changed as and when pastoral issues may arise in each year group.

Within the three stands identified by the PSHE Association: Mental Health and wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world, we have identified five key themes to support all pupils. 

The 5 themes are: 

  • Health 

  • Wellbeing

  • Relationships 

  • Careers

  • Staying safe

PSHE updates

Year 5: 

The school health team will be coming into school Friday 9th June and Friday 16th June to deliver sessions about puberty to Year 5 pupils. 

Pupils will be completing these sessions in form classes and both sessions will cover: 

  • Puberty 
  • Changes of the body 
  • Hygiene- including cleaning of the private area 
  • Periods  
  • Sperm production 
  • Emotional changes during puberty 

Although most start their period around the age of 12, some will start as young as eight. For that reason, it’s really important we start talking about puberty, changes in the body, periods and menstruation in a supportive setting as early as possible, to get everyone ready for puberty. The aim of the lessons is to reassure all pupils during this perfectly natural time in their lives, whilst encouraging open and respectful discussion between peers. 

After the session, it would be a good opportunity for these issues to be discussed at home and we would really appreciate your continued support in developing this crucial part of your child’s education. Further information about supporting these conversations at home can be found here

KS3 PSHE update:  

In KS3 PSHE, pupils have been covering relationships to help build positive foundations for healthy and safe relationships of all kinds now and in the future. In year 7, lessons have included: respectful relationships, understanding consent, staying safe online, recognising unhealthy or abusive behaviours. In year 8, pupils have covered all of the above themes including: sexual bullying, gender stereotyping and the sharing of sexual images.  

Pupil engagement across KS3 has been great and pupils have approached these topics openly with a level of maturity, this has been extremely important when having tricky conversations in the classroom. We would encourage you to have these conversations with your children at home. 

Year 7- Questions to start conversations at home:  

  • What is consent and why is consent important?  
  • What are the visual and verbal signs of consent?  
  • What are the features of a healthy/unhealthy relationship?  
  • Where could someone get support if they found themselves in an unhealthy relationship?  

Year 8- Questions to start conversations at home:  

  • What is consent and why is consent important?  
  • What is gender stereotyping and how does this impact the way people behave or are treated? ​Pupils should be able to give you examples of gender stereotyping e.g. using the term gay, sissy as insults.  
  • How can relationships be unsafe online? Where can you get support if you were worried about a relationship online?  
  • What is sexual bullying? Can you give me any examples of inappropriate sexual behaviour?    
  • What are the risks/consequences of sharing sexual images with others? (This will include legal, emotional and social effects) 

Further information can be found below to support conversations at home:  

Supporting conversations at home

At GCMS, we are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers, therefore it is important that you understand what will be covered in lessons throughout the year to allow you the opportunity to also have these conversations at home. PSHE & RSE (Relationships and sex education) can raise some tricky questions at home and it is important that we allow pupils the opportunity to discuss this further at home.

If you would like any information about how to support conversations at home regarding tricky topics, please click this link.

The PSHE site designed by Mrs Bradley provides detail into the curriculum content and provides information on how best to approach tricky topics at home. 

 Long Term Plans


pshe long term plan 2023 to 2024.pdf