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Gosforth Central Middle School

Forms & Agreements

Please see a list below of commonly used forms and agreements.


Pupil Absence Request Form

This form should be used to request time off school for your child during term time. This form should be completed and returned to the School Office at least one week in advance of the requested absence period for review by the Headteacher.

Absences will be reviewed on a case by case basis, and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstance.

Please note that the Headteacher cannot authorise family holidays during term time, and these absences will be recorded as an unauthorised absence on your child's attendance record.

Pupil Absence Request Form



Request for School to Administer Medication

If your child requires medicine to be administered during the school day, we request that you complete a Request for School to Administer Medication form, and return it to the School Office along with the medication (in its original packaging, with pharmacy labelling).

The medication will be stored in the Medical Room and administered as needed. We have a small fridge to store any medications that require refrigeration. 

All medications (with the exception of asthma inhalers) must be stored securely in the Medical Room and must not be carried by the child in school as this presents a significant safeguarding risk.

Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medication

 If the medication relates to the management of a long-term (chronic) health condition (excl. asthma or allergies where you should be able to provide an asthma/allergy plan), we request that you contact the school to discuss whether there is a need for an individual health care plan to be prepared for your child.


Pupils Diagnosed with Asthma

If your child is diagnosed with asthma, we request that you:

  • provide us with a copy of your child's Asthma Plan - this will have been provided by your child's GP or asthma nurse.
  • complete a School Asthma Card (below), have it signed/stamped by your child's GP practice, and return it to the School Office. The School Asthma Card contains a section for you to provide consent for your child to be treated with one of the school's emergency reliever inhalers when their own inhaler is not available or runs out.

School Asthma Card

  • provide school with a spare prescribed reliever inhaler (which will be stored in the Medical Room for use as needed) and a completed Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medication form (below)

Parental Agreement for the School to Administer Medicine Form


In addition, we also recommend that you provide your child with a reliever inhaler for them to carry with them in school and on school trips.


Pupils Diagnosed with Allergies

If your child has a diagnosed allergy that requires management in school, we request that you:

  • provide us with a copy of your child's Allergy Plan - this will have been provided by your child's GP or allergy nurse.
  • provide school with prescribed medication(s) to manage your child's allergies (which will be stored in the Medical Room for use as needed) and a completed Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medication form (below)

Parental Agreement for the School to Administer Medicine Form

  • If your child has a food-related allergy and you wish for your child to have school dinners purchased from the Dining Hall, your child may require a specialised diet to be prepared before they are able to purchase food. To discuss your child's requirements further, please contact Newcastle City Council catering services at the details found here.