Parent & Carer Forum
About the Parent Forum
- Meet once a term
- Provide a voice for parents on issues that are important to us and our children
- Support the school in developing strong home/school partnerships
- Support the school in making policies current to serve the needs of children/ staff
- Help capture the varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience that parents can offer
Research shows that when parents are involved, children do better and achieve more!
Issues brought to Parent & Carer Forum should affect the whole school, and will be considered and solutions brainstormed. Issues concerning one child should be raised with the appropriate member of staff.
Recent topics of discussion have included:
- PE uniform and changing arrangements
- snacks offered with school lunches
- use of Chromebooks in the classroom
- use of planners by teaching staff and redesign options
- weight of school bags
- feedback on the content of the website
Our School Ambassadors gave a presentation on a variety of topics they'd been considering, which fed into the topics discussed.
Meeting Minutes & Documents
Click on the links below to see meeting minutes and associated documents.
GCMS Parent Forum Meeting 22nd June 2023 - minutes
School Ambassadors - Power to Change
How to Contact us
Contact our Co-chairs, Natalie Wortley and Joanna Anderson through the school office.