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Gosforth Central Middle School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Gosforth Central Middle School is a vibrant and diverse school that recognises the many additional needs pupils have. As a result we pride ourselves on the fact that we are an inclusive school, with the flexibility and understanding required to cater for the needs of all individuals. We endeavour to ensure that all pupils achieve to the best of their ability regardless of any disability or disadvantage they may have, be it socially, emotionally, physically or otherwise. We want all pupils to realise their potential during their time with us, and subsequently become valued members of their communities.

We hope that the information published here will be of help; however we also believe that the human element cannot be underestimated and would be delighted to discuss any prospective or current pupil.

We find that it is best to address any concerns or problems quickly before they escalate. If you have concerns please do share them early so that we can work together to resolve them. Your child's Key Worker if they are on the SEND register, their Form Tutor if not, or Miss Nicholson (our SENCO) are the best people to contact in the first instance. If you are still concerned, please contact Mrs Jobling, our Acting Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion) or Miss Smith our Headteacher who will be happy to help.

Useful policies:

Accessibility Plan 2021 - 2024

 SEND Policy

Other useful links:

 Newcastle's Local Offer

SEND Information Report 2023-2024

SEND Information Report 2022 - 2023 

SEND Information Report 2021 - 2022



Please email send@gosforthcent.newcastle.sch.uk to contact either:

  • Mrs Jobling – Acting Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion): 
  • Miss M Nicholson – SENCo


Our complaints policy and procedures are here should you need them.