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Gosforth Central Middle School

Vision and Values

We are all on a journey: from the first independent journey to school to the exploration of knowledge and skills and personal growth, leading to career paths and life choices.

Life continually presents challenges. It is how we respond to these challenges that will determine the direction we follow throughout our lives.

The GCMS community is such an integral part of that learning journey and our mission is to equip each and every young person in our care with the tool kit to face the challenges they will encounter on their personal path.

Our aim is to develop empowered learners at GCMS who value learning experiences, who recognise success and celebrate failure. It is through failure that we gain keen insight and make adjustments to set a course for future success.

Our core values underpin the vision for our entire school community to be reflective individuals within a supportive learning hub, striving to make sense of the complex world around us.

We are preparing to be the best version of our future selves through:



